
Who does this?

So dumb!! Yesterday the boys turned two so I decided to take their pictures today to celebrate. I set up the bee and soft box, put the 9' long backdrop on the stand (quite a feat for one person), moved furniture and was ready to go...until I remembered the battery in the camera is dead. No worries, I'll recharge and take the pics after they wake from their nap...wrong! The charger is no where to be found. Aaron is picking me up a new one after searching all morning without luck. Crazy because it never leaves the same spot. Sorry no pictures...just a vent. I'll try to get them done tomorrow after work (if they are in a good mood), or wednesday morning. Wait for me!

1 comment:

Shannon K. said...

I know the answer! 2 year olds! My card reader has mysteriously disappeared and I had just used it a couple hours before. I'm sure I'll find it in a speaker or a box of cheerios in a couple of days. :D