

by a wild beast that answered to the name of Jerah. We have a major biting problem going on at the moment. He doesn't bite friends or adults...only poor Job. There are at least 3 bites on this shoulder alone, with another on his other arm.



parasol, petti, silhouette

I'm trying to avoid turning this thing into a client session blog but I fell in love with this shot from today and had to share!!

parasol, petti, silhouette



Jerah was being really funny this evening so I grabbed the P&S that was sitting by the computer. Much to my surprise instead of running away he started to ham it up!

Jerah the ham

Jerah the ham

By this point I was dying! I was laughing so hard I chopped off his head...but I still laugh when I see this!

Jerah the ham

Now if only he would let me take his picture with the 30D!

Notice the new watermark? Thanks Shannon for making it for me! She also did my logo for my website:

My new logo

Way bitchin'!


Aint you nifty...Mr fifty!

I finally got my 50mm lens back from canon for a second time. This time they replaced the mechanical chassis so hopefully I can start using this baby again while having sharp pictures to boot. Here are a few test shots today...they are pretty grainy...I can't wait to get it into better lighting conditions!



Oh, and I never did show off my free canvas! I was pretty disappointed with the wrap job...but what the heck, its free!

Canvas on Demand

Notice a difference?


patiently waiting

Sorry I've been MIA...I've been busy with various session (2 more tomorrow!) and didn't want to turn this into just pictures of other people's kids. My own children have been neglected lately in the photography department (much to their delight I'm sure).

The boys had a fun day yesterday.

They went swimming in a lake at playgroup

I'm blinded by the white!

Shawn came over that evening so we went at played at the nearby school!

fun at sunset

I'll be putting up teasers from my sessions up on my website. Check them out here!


Who are you?

Two from my first stranger shoot saturday. I swear, next post will be all about the babies. Sorry!