
Help me pick my canvas!

I've been trying for ages to get a good shot of the boys together looking at the camera to print on a canvas. I have a free one coming to me from a vendor I signed up with but the deadline is ending soon. after much determination and a lot of help from Grandma here are the contenders. Which one do you, my faithful readers, think I should use?

potential canvas

potential canvas

potential canvas

This probably would have been the one I chose...but Jerah is out of focus! Its much much more obvious on the larger file. Drat!

Perfect canvas but...


Anonymous said...

2nd from the top.

Anonymous said...

agree with dave although it's really hard to choose!!

Kim said...

I agree, 2nd from the top. How could you resist those fabulous smiles!

Shannon K. said...

#2! Great shots!

Dallas said...

I agree with everybody else! #2 is adorable. You got the personality and smiles while looking at the camera. SOOOO hard to do with 2. :-)

Anonymous said...

This is Sharaun. I love them all, but would choose the 2nd one :)