
Movin' on Up

Two big things going on over here. I have my FIL's 430ex (its a flash) on extended loan for a while! I'm more of a natural light kind of girl but there are times when you need to use a flash...so I've been practicing on not making my flash pictures too flashy. For example:

Sleeping Job


Not too bad!

The other big news is that my camera is upgrading! I LOVED the XTi and it did me good...but after it got knocked from a chair last sunday the focus went to hell. Luckily I bought it at Costco and kept every little thing that came with it. I was surprised when they gave me a full refund! So I took the money and upgraded to the 30D body. In the mean time I am cameraless until next week. Its been shipped...but until UPS updates the shipping info I don't know exactly which day it will get here. I'll probably be posting pictures from the archives until then.

In the mean time here are a few more pictures taken before the camera got returned:

Its been hot so we've been playing in the kiddie pool a lot

Pool time

Job gets mad when Jerah has the hose

Give me the hose!!

After dinner the other night Jerah decided to chase some ducks

Chasing Ducks

I think we should probably start playing more darts

Got game?

Until next time!!


Shannon K. said...

Sad to hear about the old camera, but WHOOHOO about the 30D! How exciting! I went to a camera store in Houston yesterday and played with a Nikon D200....holy camera batman! It was a lot of camera and rather intimidating! Anyway, can't wait to see some pictures from the new toy!

April said...

Love the DOF on that last shot and congrats on the 30D.